City/Country Top 5

There is so much to see here in London so its hard to narrow down to a top five for a visitor to not miss. The United Kingdom is also full of so many good places to see so that’s hard to narrow down as well. I would say one thing that a visitor should not miss in London is Big Ben and the Parliament buildings. Both are awesome to look at and take pictures of and are definitely a must see.  Another top five thing a visitor should not miss is Westminster Abbey. It’s not free entry but on Tuesday’s there is evening song which is free to go and listen to so you have a way in! It’s definitely worth it though, inside is absolutely gorgeous and there is a lot to see, I recommend getting the audio tour to follow along. To add on, I would say a visitor should not miss seeing Saint Paul’s Cathedral. The inside ceilings are amazing to look at and you can climb 508 steps up to the top for a good view over the city. The view is worth the steps trust me! Another must see in London is Tower Bridge. Its not hard to miss and is a very popular spot. You can get some awesome pictures on Tower Bridge of the Thames and for a few pounds you can go up to the top and walk across the glass above the street. If you don’t like heights this one might not be for you but you can still get great pictures of the bridge. Lastly, in the top five I would say do not miss a ride on the London eye. It is iconic and nearly in every shot of London that you see, plus you get incredible views of central London. Some honorable mentions, would be the markets throughout London such as, borough market, portabello road market, brick lane market and so many more. All of those markets have so many different kinds of really fresh food that are all delicious. Also a good honorable mention is the Shard. You can go up 72 floors and have an incredible view of London. There are also a few bars up top as well, so you can enjoy a drink in the sky. Overall, London is chalk full of cool places to visit, with plenty of options that will suit your preferences. (inserted is a picture I took on tower bridge)

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